Management - The Two Major Aspects

Managers have a very stressful job. Managing invovles managing people and you need to have a lot of people skills to be good at it. A manager will have a different way of handling each one of his people because they have different needs. That's because as manager, your success will now depend on the success of those people under your management. A single member of your team can either make or break you. You can keep blaming the candidate screening process but even that won't help because you can't reverse the system. Therefore, you only have your managerial skills to trust.
There are two important things that you need to iron out to become effective. First, you have to be able to set things straight with your team mates what your objective or objectives will be. This is important so that you can be sure that your actions are towards attaining similar goals.
One of the most common mistakes that managers make is to assume that employees know what to do. But this is not always the case. You may have members that are talented in their own fields but you still have to make sure that you are headed towards the same direction. This means that you need to map out things for the team. You need to put value in each of the member's work so you have to let them know what to do and why it needs to be done,
Being able to manage issues related to human behavior is the next thing you need to do. In an organization, personality clashes are expected. Disagreements are expected due to opinion differences. A good manager is capable of fixing things and pulling everyone together so that they can still deliver what is expected of them.
Sure, it's not a perfect world and it never will be. This is true to the business world and a manager understands it. But he knows how to make the environment close to ideal by being able to communicate well and listen to his team. Even in the academe, administrators can make continually hone its teaching and other staff as one of student retention strategies they can use. Sure, an issue can be very trivial for a manager to spend time on but a good manager knows that even a single trivial issue can blow out of proportion. In other words, know where the cracks are so you know where you need to be patching. Once you have all the cracks patched up, everything will be flowing smoothly.
Conducting a student satisfaction survey regularly can be effective in spotting the factors that contribute to student attrition. This can be part of your student retenion strategies.
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