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Tiffany Sets TS011
Price: $368.99 $115.99
Save: 69% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS012
Price: $368.99 $108.99
Save: 70% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS013
Price: $368.99 $105.99
Save: 71% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS017
Price: $368.99 $115.99
Save: 69% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS018
Price: $368.99 $115.99
Save: 69% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS020
Price: $368.99 $115.99
Save: 69% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS021
Price: $368.99 $115.99
Save: 69% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS022
Price: $368.99 $115.99
Save: 69% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS023
Price: $368.99 $200.99
Save: 46% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
Tiffany Sets TS024
Price: $368.99 $105.99
Save: 71% off
Weight: 0g
Tiffany creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality. Designs that bring glamour to your life and will be cherished always.
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A different important concern is clarity, which means the amount and sort of flaws which might be found in the diamond.Sad to say, clarity can be quite difficult to guage accurately, as a general rule flaws are simply visible under a microscope.You can ask several jewelers to point out the flaws in several stones, having a microscope, and soon you can judge for your own use.However, since the majority of people will be admiring the diamond using naked eyesight, you can usually reject loose minimize diamonds with flaws which have been clearly exposed, and definitely not worry a rediculous amount of about incredibly small flaws.
Diamonds come in several colors, nevertheless for a regular, non-colored diamonds, the clearer the higher quality
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