Start Investing Your Money
Submitted by Vituperative on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 22:20Are you wondering whether it's time to start investing -- The answer is YES. What you really should be asking is what exactly is an investment and what isn't.
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- 11097 reads
Can You Make Money Day Trading?
Submitted by Blog Resources on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 23:18Day trading seems very appealing. Some say it's easy money, while others say it's gambling. What is the truth about day trading and can you make money doing it?
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- 12022 reads
Stock Investing Tools
Submitted by Trend Technician on Fri, 01/29/2010 - 18:26What is the best tool to guarantee success in the stock market? You might be surprised at what your best weapon is and that you can already get access to it for free. Why pay for systems and gimmicks when you have the best weapon at your disposal for free?
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- 10084 reads
Stock Market Share Prices
Submitted by Bradley Johnson on Sat, 01/23/2010 - 14:07Many people find company share prices on the stock market boggling. They seem to be completely arbitrary. How does the stock market arrive at the share prices which it uses.
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- 11743 reads
Is the Stock Market a Scam?
Submitted by Vituperative on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 13:09As more and more news is released about the financial sector, it becomes harder and harder to trust them. It seems like they're all predators trying to steal our money. Is the stock market just a scam that we've all been sold, or is there something redeeming about it?
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- 15988 reads
Technology Company Analysis
Submitted by Vituperative on Sat, 08/08/2009 - 22:43The analysis of technology companies represents a significant difficulty for investors. These companies have a level of volatility that can be uncommon in many other industries. The swiftly changing nature of technology can create wild swings in valuation and market share.
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- 7340 reads
Technical Analysis Course
Submitted by Vituperative on Sat, 07/18/2009 - 23:01The fundamentals of technical analysis can be learned from the Internet. To make the most of this information it is good to understand exactly what you are looking for and how to go about educating yourself.
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- 7148 reads
Is the Investing Industry Trustworthy?
Submitted by Vituperative on Mon, 06/15/2009 - 12:13Malevolence or incompetence? Why were the people we were paying to take care of our money asleep at the wheel when the financial crisis hit. Was their inability to protect us a mistake or something more sinister? Are members of the investing industry trustworthy or more appropriately, how far can you trust them?
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- 8186 reads
Understanding the Math of Leveraged ETFs
Submitted by Bradley Johnson on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 18:37Leveraged ETFs are often mis-marketed as a tool for long term investings. Understanding the underlying math can help you avoid the mistake of buying and holding leveraged ETFs.
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- 8792 reads
ETF Advice
Submitted by Bradley Johnson on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 01:33Many people are involved in ETFs without truly understanding how they work. Some additional insight can help you make better ETF related decisions. It's particularly important to understand the mechanisms of the funds before you invest money in them.
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- 8506 reads