Duty Of Man, Fear God And Keep His Commands.

The bible tells us what the whole duty of man is. It tells us to fear God and keep his commandments. Many believe the whole duty of man is to work and support his family, or to be a loving husband, or many other things. However, the bible tells us the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments. What are the commandments of God? How can we keep them? These are a few things we will examine in this article.
To keep God's commandments, we must first understand what the commandments of God are. The bible sums them up with faith in Jesus Christ and loving one another as we love ourselves. However, these two commandments are given many different ways throughout the bible. For example, the bible commands us not to commit adultery, not to steal, not to kill, not to bear false witness, to honor our mother and father, not to covet, to remember the sabbath and keep it holy among others. How many really fear God and keep these commandments?
Not many today have the fear of God in their life. The majority today does not keep God's commandments. Many walk in adultery, fornication, thefts, envy, covetousness, and many other sins of the flesh. The bible tells us evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. There are many evil men today who proclaim that the above mentioned does not anger God as long as we have faith in Jesus. However, the bible tells us a tree is known by his fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit while a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit. If we walk in the corrupt fruit of sin, we are unsaved plain and simple. Those who sin are of the devil, according to the bible. We cannot serve two masters, either we will love one and hate the other, or we will hold to one and despise the other. Those who have been made a new creature in Christ will not remain living in the flesh.
The bible tells us we are dead to sin by the body of Christ. How can we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? This is not possible. If we are dead to sin, we will live no longer therein. This is why the bible tells us he that is born of God cannot sin. Hereby we know the children of God, and the children of the devil. He that sinneth is of the devil, according to the bible. Those who sin do not fear God and keep his commandments. They are not fulfilling the whole duty of man.
Many are beguiling unstable souls, cursed children, that cannot cease from sin. They have a heart they have exercised with covetous practices. They walk after the lust of the flesh without any fear of God before their eyes. Why? It is not in the power of man to change his ways. He must be born of the spirit of God in order to be freed from sin. To be free from sin, we must be born of a new nature, the nature of the spirit of Christ. The bible tells us sin dwells in our flesh. To die to sin, we must die to the flesh. So how do we die to the flesh? The bible teaches that we mortify the deeds of the body through the spirit of God. To keep God's commandments, we must come to faith in Jesus Christ and be born of the spirit of God. The bible tells us as many as receive the spirit of Christ, receive the power to become the sons of God.
In conclusion, to fear God and keep his commandments, we must first be born of the spirit of God. Without the new nature of the spirit, we cannot cease from sin. However, it is out duty to cease from sin through the power of the spirit of Christ. Forasmuch as Christ suffered in the flesh, are yourselves with the same mind. For he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin. Fear God and keep his commandments. This is the whole duty of man. God Bless.
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