The Power Of God Is Our Keeper.

The bible teaches us that we are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Many struggle with the idea that one can fall from salvation. There are many who are fallen from grace, however, one cannot fall from grace. There are, however, many who remain in a fallen state.
There are many, today, who do not interpret the bible properly. They mean well, but they spread false doctrine day after day through misinterpretation of the scripture. The bible is plain that one cannot lose their salvation. The bible tells us we are kept by the power of God, not by our own power. Is there a power greater than God that can lure us away? Is this possible? No, this idea is absurd. The bible tells us no man can pluck us from the father's hand. The father is greater than all.
So why do so many believe we can fall from grace? The bible teaches us that in order to understand the word of God properly, we must have the spirit of God in our life. There are many today who do not have the spirit of God in their lives. Because of this, they spread false teaching through misinterpretation of the scripture.
There are a few scriptures that bring one to the conclusion that one can lose salvation. One scripture tells us that he who endures to the end, the same shall be saved. Many do not understand the true meaning of this verse. Those who are truly saved will endure to the end because they are kept by the power of God unto salvation. The bible does not say we are kept by the power of God until we sin, but unto salvation. Another scripture tells us we are sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, not unto the day we stray from God.
Those who are truly saved will not stray from God. According to the bible, we are new creatures in Christ. Once we are saved, the old nature of the flesh dies. We are made alive in the spirit. Therefore, to sin would be against our new spiritual nature. This is why the bible tells us, he that is born of God cannot sin, for the seed of God remains in us. He that sinneth is of the devil, according to the bible. He is not of God, but tempted to turn from God by the devil. He that sins is of the devil period.
Once we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we are new creatures, the old is gone and the new is here. We who are saved will go and sin no more. We who are saved are kept by the power of God unto salvation. No one can pluck us from his hand. This is why Jesus tells us those who believe in him will never perish. However, we must make our calling and election sure. If we remain in sin, we are not truly saved. We cannot do the things that we would if we were in the flesh. If we walk after the flesh, we will die because we are unsaved. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The gift of God is not temporary life until we sin again. If we are truly saved, it is impossible for us to sin again. We no longer have the sinful nature. Do not be deceived. If we remain in sin, we will die.
Please follow our studies to understand the hidden wisdom of God. Do not follow the teaching that God does not have the power to keep us. Do not follow the teaching that we can continue in sin and be saved. This is contrary to the bible. It is plain that a born again Christian cannot sin. This is found in 1 John. So why do so many teach otherwise. They cannot cease from sin, according to the bible. They cannot cease from walking after the lusts of the flesh. They have not been born of the spirit of God. The spirit of God gives us a new nature. One that is not susceptible to sin. God Bless.
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